
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The King Of Winter

It was the time of 1,000, but the story I will be telling is set in 400 BC, So sit back get some snacks and enjoy the ride. ‘The King Of Winter’ I shall call myself, that's what I thought as I walked upon the sea of ice. My long coat dragging along the frozen water and the cane, the cane I hadn’t seen in years, sitting on the frosty throne. My home was the crystallized snow and the polar bears, turtles and penguins, they had been my family for years, until the avalanche. More about the cane, this is what we’re here for right? I could turn anything stone cold, translation; frozen, only with the cane of course, but what I didn’t know was all that glory came danger , that's what caused the avalanche, I was very anxious to leave my only home because I knew that I couldn't take the animal’s with me. Now, being back here, I couldn't see any of the animals here, so I decided to look, I found frosty, (the Polar Bear) and together we hopped on a large shard of ice and sailed off to land.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

the unloved town...


I knew this crooked town was haunted since I first moved here. This was not your usual stroll down the road at lunchtime, it was midnight. Graffiti blanketed the rusted locks on rotted wooden doors and windows, the skinny street made me feel claustrophobic. I felt like this place always had a breeze but it had seemed I forgot, because when a garbage can blowed over I actually felt the color draining from my sorrow face. And when a crushed Coca Cola can brushed my ankle I thought I jumped out of my skin and ran as fast as I could to a FAAAAR away land. But surprise surprise, I was stuck in an ancient suburb, possibly with ghosts et il n'y a pas moyen de sortir … Oh no I did it again! Sorry I didn’t mention I am French, ok enough about me, after all I am in a creepy abandoned town! The silver concrete was a little wet so I had to steady myself a couple times. I could definitely feel an evil presence in this unknown street. It felt like a thousand eyes were watching me tiptoe in the moss. And then it all went black...


Friday, September 7, 2018




Fiery red hair flows down to the ground, with a pastel pink Frangipani pinning her luscious fringe back from her pale face.

Cassidy’s muddy brown eyes twinkle in the golden sun though her black glasses slip down her face when she looks at her shiny bare feet. Her full peach coloured lips pucker when she puts her shiny lipgloss on.

A white fluffball of a cat (named Twinkles) hangs lazily from Cassy’s right arm.


A Kea would love to steel Cassidy’s shiny pink orange and yellow speckled earrings.
She has a snow white singlet and deep blue denim jeans that are tight on her tiny legs.
Cassy is a very joyful person but is always on alert and is forever ready for whatever anyone throws at her.